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Office of Marketing and Communications

Trademarks and Licensing


Maintaining the integrity of the University of Maryland’s marks, names, logos and symbols is essential to protecting its reputation. Trademarks and Licensing, based in the Office of Marketing and Communications, works to protect, promote and profit from the use of these assets by ensuring that they are used properly.

Becoming A Licensed Vendor

All products bearing University of Maryland (UMD) marks or that are affiliated with the University of Maryland must be produced by a University of Maryland-licensed vendor.

Companies or individuals interested in creating a product bearing any of the University of Maryland’s marks must obtain a license through the Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC), the licensing agent for UMD. Trademarks and Licensing at UMD makes all final decisions on licensing requests and artwork.


The University of Maryland charges a standard royalty rate of 12 percent on its branded merchandise.

Any UMD product bearing a sponsor’s logo or used for fundraising purposes is also royalty-bearing.

For internal orders, all products are royalty-bearing unless the design is program- or department- or event-specific and the Office of Trademarks and Licensing has approved a royalty waiver (PDF).

Official UMD athletic uniforms and gear are exempt from royalties.

Find A Licensed Vendor

All product bearing any university logos and/or names must be produced by a University of Maryland-licensed vendor.

Social Responsibility

The University of Maryland is committed to managing its licensing program in a socially responsible manner and is taking steps to help ensure that its licensed merchandise is not produced by companies exploiting workers or using abusive labor practices. The University of Maryland is a member of the Fair Labor Association (FLA) and the Works Rights Consortium. All licensed vendors are obligated to abide by the university’s code of conduct and are required to be FLA members.