Maryland Today

With a workday population of 50,000, the University of Maryland needed a daily information source with a consistent message and voice. The Office of Marketing and Communications created Maryland Today, a website where the campus community can find important and interesting articles in one place. It features stories, announcements, videos, photo galleries and more every weekday during the academic year. A daily e-digest of the top stories is emailed at 6 a.m. to the full campus community, along with parents and alums who’ve signed up.

Congrats to former @TerpsBaseball pitcher Adam Kolarek, becoming the fourth Terp all-time to win a World Series when the @Dodgers defeated @RaysBaseball!
— Univ. of Maryland (@UofMaryland) October 29, 2020
While COVID-19 spreads outside our homes, inside we’re facing a related online contagion: fake news about the disease on our social media feeds. #UMD expert Jen Golbeck offers 5 tips for disinfecting any misinformation from your accounts.
— Univ. of Maryland (@UofMaryland) April 6, 2020
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